IETcc-CSIC conference on "Optimized urban materials for more livable and sustainable cities"
10 May 2023
On May 10, 2023, the conference "Optimized urban materials for more livable and sustainable cities" was held at the Institute of Construction Sciences Eduardo Torroja (CSIC) in Madrid (Spain). The objective of the conference was to motivate the debate on the impact of urban materials on the sustainability and habitability of cities, with special emphasis on the ability of exterior finishing materials to manage solar radiation and its influence on urban areas and its population. Experts in the field presented their experiences and perspectives on sustainability in construction and the use of sustainable urban materials in different cities worldwide. In addition, relevant topics on the use of innovative materials in urban design were exposed.
Dr. Joaquín Campos (Institute of Optics, CSIC) gave a presentation entitled Passive radiative cooling or “super-cool” materials in which he presented the objectives of the 21GRD03 PaRaMetriC project, which is available at this link https://youtu.be/o2SgqRKlFOk?t=11498 (in Spanish).
The conference also included an exhibition of urban materials thanks to the collaboration of manufacturing companies that exhibited their products to the attendees.