Parametric at the AMCSNZT-2023 international workshop

9-10 October 2023 - New Delhi

An INRiM delegation was invited to the International Workshop on Advanced Materials Challenges and Standardization need for Net Zero Technologies in New Delhi, India, and to the subsequent 48th Steering Committee (SC) meeting of VAMAS will be held at CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, held on 11th and 12th October 2023.

The workshop aims to bring national and international experts and researchers together to discuss about the materials and technologies being developed globally to achieve the net zero target and the challenges therein.

Several topics where covered of high relevance to the PaRaMetriC main objectives, including for instance:

The PaRaMetriC project was presented during the Workshop with an oral contribution entitled "Standardization challenges for passive radiative cooling materials", raising strong interest in the audience who asked several questions on this rapidly expanding technological platform.

The official website of the event and its full program, which was co-organized by NPL India and VAMAS, is available at this link: https://www.nplindia.org/index.php/amcsnzt_2023/