Poster prize at the 17th International congress on metamaterials

11-15 September 2023 - Chania (Crete)

Congratulations to our collaborator PhD studente Jérémy Werlé from the Università di Firenze, who was awarded with the best poster prize for Innovative Sustainability in the field of Nanophotonics, during the prestigious International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena held in Crete this year (https://congress2023.metamorphose-vi.org/).

The award was granted by the De Gruyter Nanophotonics journal for his work in collaboration with PaRaMetriC on the topic of "2D Metamaterial for Passive Radiative Cooling".

Read more on the official announcement https://cloud.newsletter.degruyter.com/NANOPHPA

The Full Conference program, which received contributions from over 360 attendeed, can be downloaded from https://congress2023.metamorphose-vi.org/files/METAMATERIALS_2023_BOOKLET.pdf