Parametric at the 8th AIGE-IIETA conference
14-15 June 2023, Turin
The 8th AIGE-IIETA International Conference and the 18th AIGE Conference on "Energy Conversion, Management, Recovery, Saving, Storage and Renewable Systems" is organized under the joint auspices of AIGE and IIETA with the aim of providing technical information to their members and to the scientific and industrial community at large.
The International Conference was hosted by PoliTO and co-organized by the Energy Center of the Politecnico di Torino (https://www.energycenter.polito.it/), the World Energy Council - Italia (https://wec-italia.org/) and the Consorzio UniversitĂ ed Impresa Vercelli (https://www.consorziouniver.it/).
PaRaMetriC was present to the Conference with a presentation and a Poster from our partner PoliTO, with a work entitled "Energy saving potential of daytime radiative coolers integrated with heat pump systems: A system modelling analysis".
The Conference website and full program is available at: https://www.aigeiieta2023.org/